Tuesday, April 30, 2024



The 5 vs The Lava 
Materials used: Wood, Stain, Red Paint

Detail Photo

This sculpture reflects the time spent with my siblings playing a game known as the floor is lava. The amount of time we spent getting foot prints on counter tops while jumping from bar stool to bar stool finally to end back up on the couch. The memory of placing books and magazines, really anything we could find, as stepping stones to get across the room without touching the floor. The usage of wood was to resemble a natural at home feel, the stain used on the wood also resembles the hard wood flooring that covers the entirety of my house. The five wooding figures represent my four siblings and I, each wooden bead has a wooding dowel piece that sticks through to the other side, I did this to give more animation to the figures; to make them more human like . The red paint used to resemble the lava my siblings I imagined was flooding the space beneath us. The paint was layered to create a liquid filled space that was carved into the wood. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Figurative Bust Sculptures

Sculpture #1

Mother Nature Before Human Touch
Materials used: Air-dry Clay, Variety Colored Inks, Wood, and Hot Glue
Size: 3 by 6in

Sculpture #2

Mother Nature after Humans Touch
Materials used: Air-dry Clay, Variety Colored Inks, Wood, Hot Glue, Wire, Grey and Black Paint. 
Size: 3 by 6in

In-process images

Research for Sculpture #1
Research for Sculpture #2

Reflection for Sculpture #1
The Sculpture entitled Mother Nature before Human Touch was inspired by the idea of humanity’s power over our climate. The connection between both of the sculptures is humans and nature. The first sculpture number 1 is more of a direct reference to climate change in the environment. 
The sculpture entitled Mother Nature After Human Touch was inspired by the effects of urbanization in our world. My intent was to visually communicate the idea of time passing between each sculpture, where the effects of humanity dangerously affected our society and earth. I wanted to focus on the change between the two sculptures because it was meant to visually resemble the change before and after we chose to effect the climate. I want to keep exploring the possibility’s of presenting these effects of climate change and urbanization to a larger audience and to influence people, to realize this is a serious problem. This piece allows me to explore the many different materials and compositions of what artwork that shares a message. 

Dream Transportations living in Saint Augustine


Card board Sculpture
Dream Vespa 
Materials include, cardboard, duck tape, grey paint and pink spray paint. 
Size: 42in by 36 in

Detailed Images

In-process Pictures

Masking Tape Shoes


Masking tape shoes
Size 8.5 

Detail Image 

Paper Shoe

In-process Images


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

On Longing

 “The body is the primary mode of preserving scale.” On longing by Susan Steward

    This photo was taking about eleven years ago when I was about seven years of age. This image not only represents size difference of objects in general, but it also reminds me of the change in all areas of size perception as i grow up. As you can see I am one of the smallest in the photo but for me now in time that photo would not nearly look the same for sizes for all of us. 

“The souvenir speaks to a context of origin through a language of longing.” On longing by Susan Steward

    Flowers, a gift given commonly could be for Mother’s Day, housewarming gift or maybe a common gesture when two people are in love. An object that can be held and remember to represent the feeling shared between the giver and the receiver if kept, to me can be a souvenir. The context of where that gift originated is the most  important part, the origin of gift is what we desire, the origin is the love it takes for a significant other to pick up those flowers as a sign of that love. 

“The souvenir reduces the public, the monumental, and the three-dimensional into the miniature, that which can be enveloped by the body.” On longing by Susan Steward 

    Though souvenirs are most commonly a physical representation of the memory we want to hold, what makes the souvenir is that memory without it, a souvenir is just an abject with no meaning behind it. For me this image pulls together all the rocks, twigs, and leaves that were all kept as souvenirs as a kid. All ones taken from that very forest, in the photo. 

“The souvenir is used most often to evoke a voluntary memory of childhood.”On longing by Susan Steward

    An image of little me, and my little childhood stuffy, a core souvenir that is a direct translation to my childhood. 

 “The place of origin must remain unavailable, in order for desire to be generated.” On longing by Susan Steward

    This image is taken in Montana, one of my favorite places to visit. I constantly go back through all these images for hours just to remember how it felt looking at this view. Someone from the Midwest may say the same about a photo of the ocean. I have lived here in St. Augustine all my life  so I am quite familiar with the beach. Therefore I appreciate my photos of the beach but not as much as the photos in Montana, mainly because I can’t just get up and walk to this mountain from where I am now. 

Art21 Response

Paul Pfeiffer https://art21.org/watch/extended-play/paul-pfeiffer-interrupting-the-broadcast/ Paul Pfeiffer is a very observant and organize...